Be Your Most Beautiful Self With a "Natural Glam" Makeup Look
Be your most beautiful self with a natural glam look
“I want to still look like me“ This concern is one of the most common when it comes to getting professional makeup services done. We have many clients that are worried that they will look too “made up” or not themselves.
So how do you still look as though you have paid to have a professional makeup artist apply your makeup - but not look like a plastic, overly contoured barbie doll in the process? Well, in our industry the terminology would be what we call a “natural glam” or daytime look.
There are many steps to a proper makeup consultation. Your makeup artist needs to hear your inspiration - not their own. We feel that the best way to duplicate a client’s inspirational look is to actually listen to what they want. This seems simple enough - but in our professional experience, many makeup artists don’t know how to properly hear their clients.
Our goal is to connect with our clients on a personal level to give them the best service possible. We recommend providing photographs to your artist prior to the start of your services- to make sure you’re both visualizing the same end result. Like they say - a picture speaks a thousand words.